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Pocket Therapist

The Gratitude Journal is a self help journal designed to help you understand yourself better and reflect on your life, passions, and goals.


Happy Strokes

by Millin Sangha Gujral.

Millin is a practicing psychologist and visual artist whose work seeks to draw attention to the importance of maintaining good mental health.


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Mind Cards

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Life is beautiful

About Us

I have been counselling from about 8-9 years now and have also been putting up my artwork at different art shows and galleries in New Delhi. I have clients throughout Delhi, who beside seeking therapy, also take immense interest in my artwork. While art is my way of dealing and regulating my emotions to attain balance, there have been moments wherein my clients took interest in my work and drew their own analogy and gained a more compassionate view of their own self.

Millin Sangha Gujral

Child’s gratitude Journal

Coming Soon


I’ve always wanted to keep a track of emotions I felt on a daily basis. When the idea was introduced to me, I started writing my own journal each day but I found writing in a plain notebook to be straight and boring. Channelizing my thoughts with no specific questions demanded real work and effort - this defeating the purpose. I somehow secretly wished a journal would ask me questions just like a therapist would. That makes it much easier to channelized these thoughts. Then I was introduced to this journal which became the compassionate companion I had been looking for. Calling it artistic is an understatement because I experienced it’s magic as it started quizzing me to help unravel the real emotional picture I had been struggling to relocate. This journal has evolved into a quizzing therapy book that has made my mental health journey, easier and friendlier.

Avijeet S Sangha

I love this, journal, it honestly has become such an important part of my life. It has helped me understand myself better and has become my Best Friend honestly. I am so happy, I decided to buy this for myself. Best investment I have done for myself in this lockdown

Shreya Tandon Mago

This journal has been a GAME CHANGER For me. Covid Lockdown was the hardest time for me as I was stuck all alone away from the family. I went through a lot of difficult feeling I needed to process. This journal helped me process my feelings and I’m so grateful for it. I continue to use this every day and it has now become my most favourite part of the day.

Daksh Bahl

There’s a ton of practical exercises that assist in getting out of a rut and building yourself back up, if need be. Which we all need sometimes, and always will. Especially this year, we all could use a “refresh” to get to know ourselves again and reevaluate what we need to be happy and healthy.

Sirat Gill

    Your Smile

    Is Our Reward.

    We aim to increase the awareness of Mental Health and its potential incidence and impact in our lives, challenge existing stereotype of mental health concerns and explore how one might better support themselves, their families, relationships as well as colleagues.

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